Generating HTML in Python isn't very pleasant.
The usual solution istemplates, pseudo-documents with placeholders and display logic. Odoo allows any Python templating system, but provides its ownQWebtemplating system which integrates with other features.
Create a template and ensure the template file is registered in the__manifest__.py
manifest, and alter the controller to use our template:
class Academy(http.Controller):
@http.route('/academy/academy/', auth='public')
def index(self, **kw):
return http.request.render('academy.index', {
'teachers': ["Diana Padilla", "Jody Caroll", "Lester Vaughn"],
# @http.route('/academy/academy/objects/', auth='public')
# def list(self, **kw):
<template id="index">
<t t-foreach="teachers" t-as="teacher">
<p><t t-esc="teacher"/></p>
<!-- <template id="object"> -->
<!-- <h1><t t-esc="object.display_name"/></h1> -->
<!-- <dl> -->
The templates iterates (t-foreach
) on all the teachers (passed through thetemplate context), and prints each teacher in its own paragraph.
Finally restart Odoo and update the module's data (to install the template) by going toSettings ‣ Modules ‣ Modules ‣ Academyand clickingUpgrade.
Alternatively, Odoo can be restartedand update modules at the same time
$ odoo-bin --addons-path addons,my-modules -d academy -u academy
Going tohttp://localhost:8069/academy/academy/should now result in: